EFYE 2022 April 20 - 22 in Graz, Austria
© MMMR Gonzomedia im Auftrag von Graz Tourismus
Check out the conference program that takes you through 3 days of various sessions on the Conference Topics “Prospective Students”, “Beginners” and “Teaching Staff”.
“Next Stop: University!” – The central theme of EFYE 2022 refers to the incredible diversity and its potential students bring along. Our conference topics will also relate to this diversity.
We are confident that the conference will be held at TU Graz Old Campus in the heart of Graz, but due to the pandemic we keep the option of an online conference open.
Learn moreThe EFYE is an international event, using primarily English as conference language and giving its delegates and attendees a practically oriented exchange of experience.
We are proud to be the host of EFYE 2022 and invite you to join the conference. Get inspired, expand your network and learn something new on the topic we all care about: the student’s first year experience.